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The Partnership for Healthy Cities presents news, stories, case studies and accomplishments from cities in its global network, whose leaders have taken on the role of urban health champions.


Inside Freetown, Sierra Leone's markets, a new healthy food strategy is addressing rising rates of hypertension.

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Showing results 12-10 - of 159
press mentions
COVID-19: Vital Strategies supports small scale businesses in Accra with handwashing facilities

New handwashing facilities will help complement efforts by the Accra Metropolitan Assembly towards the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

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press mentions
Municipality of Lima Received Important Financing to Reinforce Services and Contain COVID-19

The Municipality of Lima, through the Lima Foundation, received significant funding from the Partnership for Healthy Cities for its "Lima Te Cuida" COVID-19 response strategy.

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press mentions
Roman Lelyuk, Director of Kyiv's Department of Public Communications

The importance of public communication, from the perspective of Roman Lelyuk, Director of the Department of Public Communications of the Kyiv City State Administration.

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press mentions
Quito's Virtual Information Platform against COVID-19

The Municipality of Quito, with support from the Partnership for Healthy Cities, launched a virtual information platform to help citizens protect themselves from COVID-19 and how to take care of mental health during these difficult times.

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press mentions
Bengaluru: 3Ws drive launched to push Covid-appropriate behaviour

A Partnership-supported 3Ws communication campaign features posters mounted on 100 garbage trucks and also displayed at three of the city’s main market areas, three city bus terminals and four prominent intersections.

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press mentions
Covid-19 "Happy Journey" Competition in Ho Chi Minh City

Under the theme "Safe Health - Happy Journey," a new campaign from the City Traffic Safety Board guides and encourages road users to voluntarily prevent Covid-19 infection in the community.

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K. Bakoyannis: Support Vulnerable Groups to Address Pandemic

The Mayor of Athens, Kostas Bakoyannis, spoke at an online discussion organized by the Partnership for Healthy Cities, on the role of cities in tackling the coronavirus for a healthier future.

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The City Intervenes in Public Transport Waiting Areas

The Ministry of Transportation and Public Works seeks to promote social distancing amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The interventions indicate the city's commitment to combat the crisis as part of the Partnership for Healthy Cities.

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press mentions
6 Global Cities Taking Unique Steps to Tackle COVID-19

Ahead of World Cities Day on Oct. 31 – a day meant to promote global cooperation on urban issues – a convening by the Partnership for Healthy Cities highlighted urban areas that have developed innovative strategies to fight COVID-19.

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press mentions
Cities on the Forefront of COVID-19 Response – Experiences From Athens, Bogota and Kampala

Cities are major drivers of public health and the COVID-19 pandemic has brought increasing and urgent necessity for effective, innovative leadership and collaboration within and between cities.

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